DiMarco's planet

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DiMarco's planet[1] is a habitable planet inside Neutral Space visited by both the Colonials and the Cylons.

The Expeditionary Fleet dispatches Julian DiMarco and his expedition ship to this planet, which contains (unbeknownst to DiMarco or his crew) a separatist Colonial settlement (Battlestar Galactica: Season Zero 1, 2).

The Colonial Fleet orders DiMarco to bomb areas of the planet, a planet that they believe to be uninhabited due to the ship's inability to detect much of anything in the atmosphere. However one of the areas that is bombed (much to DiMarco and his crew's horror) was a separatist colony, from which there was only one survivor: Byron Dane (Battlestar Galactica: Season Zero 1).

William Adama is later dispatched to this planet to investigate DiMarco's disappearance (Battlestar Galactica: Season Zero 0), later discovering that DiMarco and his crew deliberately marooned themselves on the planet. As a result of the incident and the Fleet's involvement with the black operation, Adama takes the unusual measure of providing DiMarco and his crew with supplies needed to set up a settlement on the planet, against the Fleet's wishes (Battlestar Galactica: Season Zero 2).
