Battlestar Wiki:Audio Development/Character Page

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This page (like all pages on this wiki) was imported from the original English-language Battlestar Wiki based on what was available in the Wayback Machine in early 2017. You can see the archive of the original page here.
Script Info


Hello and welcome to Battlestar Wiki, an encyclopedia of the Battlestar Galactica sagas. My name is [ YOUR BSG WIKI NAME ]. You're about to hear an audio version of a character page for [ CHARACTER NAME ].


Part One

  1. Read a succinct capsule description of the character[1]
  2. Read additional overview information if available and relevant

Part Two

  1. Read Background[2]

Part Three

Additional content (including [ character detail, notes, external links, related imagery, etc. ]) is available on the Battlestar Wiki article.


Thank you for listening to an audio version of a Battlestar Wiki character page.

Script notes

  1. Quite often the first sentence of a character page.
  2. Character pages can vary widely depending on the importance of the character. Adjust script as necessary. Length of the script may become an issue with larger articles, editing will likely become necessary.