Template:Country flag

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This page (like all pages on this wiki) was imported from the original English-language Battlestar Wiki based on what was available in the Wayback Machine in early 2017. You can see the archive of the original page here.


The better way to use this template is {{flag}}. This is the template that creates all the options and keeps track of the different flags.

Flag Table
Code Outputs Example Code
Earth [1] {{Country flag}}
AU AUS AUS {{Country flag|AU}}
BE Template:Border BEL {{Country flag|BE}}
CA CAN CAN {{Country flag|CA}}
DE Template:Border DE {{Country flag|DE}}
EE Template:Border EST {{Country flag|EE}}
ES ES ES {{Country flag|ES}}
FI FIN FIN {{Country flag|FI}}
FR FR FR {{Country flag|FR}}
IL IL IL {{Country flag|IL}}
IRL IRL IRL {{Country flag|IRL}}
IT IT IT {{Country flag|IT}}
JP JP JP {{Country flag|JP}}
MY MY MY {{Country flag|MY}}
NL NL NL {{Country flag|NL}}
NO NO NO {{Country flag|NO}}
NZ NZ NZ {{Country flag|NZ}}
PH PH PH {{Country flag|PH}}
PL PL PL {{Country flag|PL}}
SA SA SA {{Country flag|SA}}
SE SWE SWE {{Country flag|SE}}
SW SW SW {{Country flag|SW}}
TR TR TR {{Country flag|TR}}
UK UK UK {{Country flag|UK}}
UN UN UN {{Country flag|UN}}
US USA USA {{Country flag|US}}
USUK[2] US/UK  {{Country flag|USUK}}
ZH ZH ZH {{Country flag|ZH}}


  1. If no code is entered, you get the Earth Flag.
  2. To be used only for showing the English Language.
