Tauranian Traveller

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This page (like all pages on this wiki) was imported from the original English-language Battlestar Wiki based on what was available in the Wayback Machine in early 2017. You can see the archive of the original page here.

The Tauranian Traveller is a ship in the Fleet.

She is mentioned in a deleted scene in "33". Having over 900 people aboard, her captain wants to break from the Fleet to strike out on his own in the wake of the hundreds of FTL jumps required to escape repeated Cylon ambushes. At President Roslin's urging, Commander Adama orders the CAP to make several close fly-bys of the ship to dissuade it from leaving.

The ship's name is later shown on the voting tally board in "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II".


  • The ship name implies that it is of Tauron origin.

de:Tauranian Traveller