Laser pistol (1980)
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- For the laser pistols used in the Original Series, see: Laser pistol.

The laser pistol is an energy-based weapon and standard sidearm of both Colonial Warriors and Cylons Centurions in 1980 A.D.
Colonial counterpart
In addition to the regular, larger laser pistol worn by Warriors, smaller versions of the laser pistol are used by Warriors Troy and Dillon during their missions on Earth.
Both variants of these pistols have various settings, including a stun setting, a destructive setting, and a setting that places the stricken target in paralysis, thus freezing them in the position they were in prior to being hit (The Night the Cylons Landed, Part I). The stun setting leaves the target with a headache after they regain consciousness (Galactica Discovers Earth, Part II).
The smaller pistols do not register on 1980 A.D. medal detectors, as they are made of carbon-synthetic material (The Night the Cylons Landed, Part I); presumably the larger ones are made of the same material as well.
Cylon counterpart
While Centurions previously used bayoneted laser rifles as their standard weapon during the end of the Thousand-Yahren War, they have adopted a laser pistol as well ("The Night the Cylons Landed, Part I", "The Return of Starbuck").
- The laser effect used in Galactica 1980 is a beam effect, different from the Original Series in coloring, either blue or a white-yellow as opposed to the red.
Related imagery
Dillon fires his laser at trees in Nazi Germany (Galactica Discovers Earth, Part I).
Dillon and Troy fire their smaller laser guns at an offending jukebox at Maggies Truck Heaven (Galactica Discovers Earth, Part III).