Citizens Use Marshmallows to Protest Caprica Government

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Citizens Use Marshmallows to Protest Caprica Government is a The Caprican Politics article written by Ann Royall. It was printed in Martius 7, YR42.


Well, the citizen protest of the Caprican Government has just gotten a little weirder...and a little more delicious. As we reported last week, citizens have been outraged that the government has not done more to bring the MAGLEV bomber to justice. The citizen group Mothers Against Terrorist Tactics (MATT) and others were accusing the of being "soft" on terrorism. Well now, get this, in order to pretest their "soft" investigative techniques, Capricans have begun showing their anger by mailing marshmallows to the government! We can't wait to see how this ends!

We sure do hope Agent Durham likes s'mores!


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