Computer room

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Galactica's computer room.

The computer room, located on the tech levels, houses Galactica's primary computer.

The computer room is typically occupied by Corporal Komma ("The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I", "Murder on the Rising Star"), who is tasked with the maintenance and operation of the computer.

Starbuck manages to get Komma to leave, long enough to use one of the consoles in the computer room so that he can be added to the Arcta mission, in order to determine the fate of Cadet Cree (The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part I).

Later, when Starbuck's future is in question, Apollo and Boomer make use of the redesigned computer room to find out Karibdis's location in the Fleet. The redesigned computer room features a voice-input system, which irks Komma to no end, as he prefers the "old-fashioned" keyboard and scanner (Murder on the Rising Star).